Custom Prose Components

Through five different examples, I'm going to show you exactly how to use prose components, and a bunch of different things you can do with them.

Prose components let us easily drop in components to render different parts of our Markdown content — p, a and img tags, as well as custom rendering for code blocks and everything else in Markdown.

These are the examples that we'll be exploring, starting simple and then working our way up in complexity:

  1. Horizontal rule — we'll be adding a custom animation to keep things interesting
  2. Add filename to code blocks — let's add some useful metadata to our code blocks
  3. Super easy lightbox — a simple lightbox that uses NuxtImg to keep things optimized
  4. Meta-info on links — show the title, description and more on internal links, and show where external links go to
  5. Highlighting paragraphs — highlight specific paragraphs when you share the URL

If you want to see how these components are built, check out the article that goes with this on the


1. Horizonal Rule

The first one is this horizontal rule component.


Normally, a horizontal rule is a pretty boring line. But with some CSS we can spruce things up.

2. Filename on code blocks

The default code block we get does syntax highlighting, but not much else:

  <div class="prose">{{ prop }}</div>

<script setup>
    prop: String,

Here, we add on the filename of the code block:

type Wallet = {
  money: Number;
  idCard: UserIdCard;
  giftCards: GiftCard[];

3. Easy Minimal Lightbox

By creating a ProseImg component we can control how our images are rendered, creating a great lightbox.

Try clicking on each image to see it.

If you check the dev tools you'll notice that we're loading a small image inline, then loading the biggest image we can (based on screen size and density) to display in the lightbox. This is all done using NuxtImg and IPX.

Here's a picture of a mountain:

The next picture is of two cars:

This last picture is of a city:

I've never actually seen this on a website before, but I think it's a cool feature.

When you hover

over a link to an internal page
The Second Page
Another page that you can read stuff on!
you can see some extra meta-data about that link. A link to the
second page
The Second Page
Another page that you can read stuff on!
Check out this code:
with a highlighted paragraph (the highlighting comes from the last prose component we'll cover).

With external links, we can instead display the favicon so you know where you're headed.

Here's a link to


This one

, and this one . The also has a favicon.

5. Share highlighted paragraphs

I made a custom p tag that lets you highlight a tag.

Try clicking on any of the paragraphs here, you'll see that they're highlighted.

You may also notice that a query param changes — we're

able to deep-link
The Second Page
Another page that you can read stuff on!
Check out this code:
to a specifically highlighted section of the article. We're also able to combine the ProseA and ProseP components and show the highlighted paragraph directly in our meta-data popover with a little help from queryContent.